12 June 2013 – Los Angeles – USA Pictures of Michael Jackson’s bedroom, including medication, oxygen tanks and an IV stand have been released by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The shocking pictures are part of Katherine Jackson’s lawsuit against concert promoters AEG Live. Michael mother claims AEG failed to screen the King of Pop’s doctor Conrad Murray and purposefully ignored the singer’s failing health. Dr Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 for giving Jacko a lethan dose of Propofol in 2009. The images show numerous pill bottles strewn around the bedroom at the time of his death on June 25, 2009. In one shot there is an IV and stand next to a chest of drawers covered in baby photos. In the photos there are several prescription pill bottles lined up on a nightstand while other containers are on the floor. As well as Propofol there is Diazepam and Lidocaine in the bedroom. Other images show Dr Conrad Murray’s medical bags tucked away in closets. There are also images of Dr Murary’s car parked in the driveway of the house and paramedics reports. XPOSURE PHOTOS DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY XPOSURE ARE FOR XPOSURE’S SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND TO HOLD XPOSURE HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH USER’S PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL. BYLINE MUST READ : LAPD/XPOSUREPHOTOS.COM PLEASE CREDIT AS PER BYLINE *UK CLIENTS MUST CALL PRIOR TO TV OR ONLINE USAGE PLEASE TELEPHONE 44 208 370 0291