Oposición salió de nuevo a la calle para exigir fecha de recolección del 20% (fotos)

marcha16S afp
(Foto AFP)


La oposición venezolana marcha con cacerolas este viernes para exigir un referendo revocatorio contra el presidente Nicolás Maduro, ante nuevas dilaciones del organismo electoral en el trámite de la consulta.

Aunque estaba convocada desde inicios de septiembre, la protesta nacional se convirtió en una nueva expresión de rechazo luego de que el Poder Electoral retrasara el anuncio sobre la fecha en que se podrán recoger las firmas necesarias para llamar a las urnas.

Henry Ramos Allup, presidente del Parlamento de mayoría opositora, señaló este viernes que el objetivo es exigir que el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) “no siga saboteando” la celebración del revocatorio este año.

Ramos Allup denunció que el gobierno ordenó bloquear los accesos a Caracas para impedir el ingreso de manifestantes.

En la antesala de la protesta, el CNE postergó por “amenazas” el anuncio que debía realizar este mismo viernes sobre la fecha y condiciones para el recaudo de las cuatro millones de rúbricas (20% del padrón electoral).

El CNE -acusado por la oposición de estar bajo control del gobierno- alegó que las protestas ponen en riesgo a sus funcionarios y dijo que retomará el análisis del tema recién el lunes próximo, aunque no especificó si ese día hará un pronunciamiento definitivo.

Por lo pronto, los adversarios de Maduro iniciaban la jornada, en la que se prevé un toque de cacerolas. La denominan “cumbre del pueblo contra el hambre y por el revocatorio”, en alusión a la Cumbre de Países No Alineados (NOAL) que transcurre en Isla de Margarita (norte de Venezuela).

“Va a ser la anticumbre, la cumbre del pueblo en respuesta a este derroche fastuoso (de NOAL) y en reclamo a que se establezcan con claridad las condiciones” para la recolección de firmas, dijo el jueves Jesús Torrealba, secretario de la coalición opositora Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), antes del anuncio del CNE.

Torrealba había anticipado que la falta de definiciones en torno a la activación de un referendo motivaría aún más las marchas.

“El silencio es un irrespeto al derecho del pueblo venezolano a construir una solución pacífica, electoral, constitucional y democrática a este drama”, añadió Torrealba en rueda de prensa.

Afectada por la caída del ingreso petrolero, Venezuela sufre una crisis económica reflejada en una escasez de 80% de los alimentos y las medicinas, según estudios privados, y la inflación más alta del mundo, que el FMI proyecta en 720% para 2016.

– Maduro “no se va” –

Las movilizaciones se producen tras dos jornadas de protesta, el 1 y 7 de septiembre, para exigir el revocatorio. La primera reunió a un millón de personas en Caracas, según la MUD, aunque el gobierno sostiene que apenas fueron unas decenas de miles, y que ese mismo día movilizó a medio millón de chavistas.

En todo caso fueron las manifestaciones más masivas desde las de 2014 contra Maduro, que dejaron 43 muertos.

“Nicolás no se va y seguirá siendo presidente con cacerola o sin cacerola”, advirtió el jueves el número dos del chavismo, Diosdado Cabello.

Elegido hasta 2019, Maduro descarta que el referendo se pueda celebrar este año y demandó un proceso por fraude en la recolección previa de las firmas que habilitaron a la MUD como promotora de la consulta.

“Quieren resucitar a un muerto y, más temprano que tarde, el pueblo venezolano y las leyes venezolanas terminarán de enterrar en paz el fraude”, afirmó esta semana Maduro, que atribuye la crisis a una guerra económica de la derecha, apoyada por Estados Unidos, para derrocarlo.

Para la MUD, el referendo solo tendría sentido si se realiza antes del 10 de enero de 2017, pues si Maduro pierde habrá nuevas elecciones. En una fecha posterior, aun si el gobernante es derrotado, el mandato lo concluirá su vicepresidente.

– Diálogo condicionado –

El forcejeo se mantiene pese a que esta semana las partes revelaron haber mantenido dos reuniones, el viernes y sábado últimos, para explorar un diálogo sobre la crisis.

Tanto el gobierno como la MUD advirtieron que ni el referendo ni el caso de los opositores presos están en discusión.

“Hasta tanto se aclare el panorama (del revocatorio) aquí no puede haber ningún otro tipo de encuentro”, dijo Torrealba.

Si el CNE autoriza, la recolección de las cuatro millones de firmas deberá realizarse en tres días continuos, para lo cual la MUD exige desde ya que se habilite un número suficiente de máquinas de registro de rúbricas y huellas.

El organismo ha dicho que el recaudo podría hacerse a finales de octubre, tras lo cual contará con un mes para su validación. Este calendario dificulta los planes de la oposición de celebrar la consulta en 2016.

Encuestas privadas señalan que la revocatoria de Maduro ganaría abrumadoramente.



Venezuelan opposition activists march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists argue with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition aleader lilian Tintori argues with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition aleader lilian Tintori argues with police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C-waving) participates in a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C-waving) participates in a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) participates in a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) participates in a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) delivers a speech during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) delivers a speech during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) delivers a speech during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition leader Lilian Tintori (C) delivers a speech during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. The Venezuelan opposition's push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Venezuelan opposition activists are blocked by police during a march in Caracas on September 16, 2016 demanding to the government to set the date for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro.
The Venezuelan opposition’s push for a vote to remove President Maduro ran into a roadblock Thursday when authorities announced a delay in setting the date for the final stage in the process.