29 January 2014 – Los Angeles – USA **** STRICTLY NOT AVAILABLE FOR USA *** Woman addicted to eating make-up on TLC’s My Strange Addiction. Brittoni, 22, from Toldeo, Ohio loves eating eyeshadow – and chomps her way through 15-20 compacts a day. That’s a staggering 10,000 eyeshadows since her addiction began 13 years ago. Brittoni revealed: “It’s like a craving of your favourite candy bar. I prefer the grey, white and brown colours, they taste cleaner than dark colours.” Brittoni, who had a heart condition, is concerned about what the chemicals in the make-up are doing to her heart but has been struggling with her addiction since she was a youngster. It all began after her mother Alandra introduced her to eating baby powder – and Alandra and Brittoni’s sister Amber still eat baby powder sprinkled on doughnuts today. But they are both horrified when Brittoni confesses her addiction to them – and her fiance Josh begs her to get help. She consults Dr Jack Siebenaler who does several tests and tells Brittoni the make up could lead to her getting cancer or causing major heart problems – so Brittoni manages to give up her addiction. XPOSURE PHOTOS DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY XPOSURE ARE FOR XPOSURE’S SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND TO HOLD XPOSURE HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY WITH USER’S PUBLICATION OF THE MATERIAL. BYLINE MUST READ : TLC/XPOSUREPHOTOS.COM PLEASE CREDIT AS PER BYLINE *UK CLIENTS MUST CALL PRIOR TO TV OR ONLINE USAGE PLEASE TELEPHONE 44 208 370 0291
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