Explanada del Louvre evacuada brevemente tras alerta de seguridad durante presidenciales

Explanada del Louvre evacuada brevemente tras alerta de seguridad durante presidenciales

Police officers patrol in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris, on May 7, 2017, following an evacuation due to a security alert, during the second round of voting for the French presidential election. The esplanade of the Louvre, where Emmanuel Macron planned a rally in case of victory in the presidential election, was evacuated May 7 in the early afternoon due to a security alert, according to a police source. / AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT
La policía evacuó la explanada del Museo del Louvre / AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT


La explanada del Museo del Louvre, en donde Emmanuel Macron tiene previsto celebrar su victoria si gana las presidenciales francesas este domingo, fue evacuada brevemente a primera hora de la tarde debido a una alerta de seguridad, informó una fuente policial.

Se trata “simplemente de despejar dudas”, añadió la misma fuente. Las autoridades acordonaron la zona y desplegaron a un equipo de policías para cerciorarse de que no había ningún peligro, añadió.

Las verificaciones concluyeron poco antes de las 14H30 locales (12H30 GMT) y se descartó cualquier amenaza, dijo la misma fuente.

Según un portavoz del partido de Macron, ¡En Marcha!, la evacuación tuvo lugar tras “detectar un paquete sospechoso”.

Las fuerzas de seguridad patrullaban la explanada, una de las zonas más turísticas de París.

Los franceses votaban este domingo en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales para decidir quién gobernará el país en los próximos cinco años, si el centrista proeuropeo Emmanuel Macron o la ultraderechista eurófoba Marine Le Pen.


A police officer patrols the Louvre Museum in Paris, on May 7, 2017, following an evacuation due to a security alert, during the second round of voting for the French presidential election. The esplanade of the Louvre, where French presidential frontrunner Emmanuel Macron planned a rally in then event of victory in the elections, was evacuated May 7 in the early afternoon due to a security alert, according to a police source. / AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ


Bomb disposal units arrive to the Louvre Museum in Paris, on May 7, 2017, following an evacuation due to a security alert, during the second round of voting for the French presidential election. The esplanade of the Louvre, where Emmanuel Macron planned a rally in case of victory in the presidential election, was evacuated May 7 in the early afternoon due to a security alert, according to a police source. / AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ
A police officer barricades an entrance to the courtyard of the Louvre Museum in Paris, on May 7, 2017, following an evacuation due to a security alert, during the second round of voting for the French presidential election. The esplanade of the Louvre, where Emmanuel Macron planned a rally in case of victory in the presidential election, was evacuated May 7 in the early afternoon due to a security alert, according to a police source. / AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE LOPEZ