Un peregrino de alquiler cobra hasta 2.500 euros por pagar promesas a Virgen de Fátima (fotos)

Un peregrino de alquiler cobra hasta 2.500 euros por pagar promesas a Virgen de Fátima (fotos)


Carlos Gil starts his walk to Fatima with a backpack on his shoulders, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.  Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil inicia su peregrinage a  Fatima el 5 de Mayo, 2017.



Si usted busca el perdón de Dios o desea agradecer un milagro concedido pero la idea de caminar descalzo durante días le desagrada, es un potencial cliente de Carlos Gil, un portugués que peregrina por encargo hasta Fátima, un servicio que puede costar hasta 2.500 euros.

Carlos Gil, de 52 años, forma parte de los cerca de un millón de peregrinos que se espera que lleguen a esta pequeña aldea del centro de Portugal para asistir el 12 y el 13 de mayo a la canonización por el papa Francisco de dos de los tres pastorcitos que en 1917 afirmaron haber visto allí a la Virgen.

Pero Gil será probablemente el único de los peregrinos que obtendrá algo más que los favores de Dios a cambio, ya que cuando acude al santuario, este portugués ofrece una amplia gama de servicios a distintos precios.

Por prender una vela, son 25 euros, por recitar el rosario el precio sube a 250.

Si alguien se lo pide Carlos Gil está dispuesto a recorrer de rodillas los últimos 400 metros de la explanada del santuario que llevan a la Capilla de las Apariciones.

Equipado con su bordón, con una mochila ligera, Gil dejó de su pequeño chalet blanco ubicado cerca de Cascais, al oeste de Lisboa, bajo un cielo lluvioso.

Para llegar a tiempo, Carlos Gil salió a las 07h30. En 2010 estuvo para la visita de Benedicto XVI. Su hermana Maria José, de 50 años, lo acompaña.

En su peregrinación eligen pequeños senderos lejos de las carreteras nacionales. Seis días después llegará a Fátima, el día antes de la visita papal.

En su viaje, habrá completado 200 kilómetros a pie y pernoctará en casas de personas que lo alberguen o incluso puede que duerma bajo las estrellas.

Con respecto a su cliente, contó que se trata de una mujer que lo contacto mediante la aplicación WhatsApp. El resto es secreto profesional.

“Por principios no pregunto nunca los motivos, para evitar hacerme juicios sobre ellos”, explicó con tranquilidad.

– ‘El trato se cierra con el Divino’ –
Una peregrinación, ya sea hecha para uno mismo o para ayudar a otro, puede tener varios objetivos: cumplir una promesa hecha a Dios, solicitarle la sanación de alguna dolencia, cumplir los deseos como ser madre, tener éxito profesional.

También hay gestos de agradecimiento cuando el milagro fue concedido y personas que acuden para expiar un pecado.

Si bien Carlos Gil afirma, que para él “no se trata de hacer negocios, sino de estar al servicio de los otros”, sobre todo de los enfermos que no pueden desplazarse, aclara que “el trato se cierra con el Divino”.

“Para mí, es una pasión, yo soy católico, pero si hubiera nacido en Arabia Saudita, sería musulmán y haría peregrinajes a la Meca”, dijo con una leve sonrisa.

Este padre de familia con el pelo cano, se describe a si mismo como “perezoso”.

“No hago ninguna preparación física antes del peregrinaje. Es algo espiritual, uno entra en un estado de gracia”, contó.

Un buen día, en 2001, le cayó del cielo una “idea loca”: retomar esta vieja tradición que ya se efectuaba en la Edad Media, cuando los peregrinos “por procuración” eran contratados por los nobles acaudalados que no tenían tiempo o no estaban en condición física.

Gil afirmó que no tiene competencia en Portugal, pero que en Alemania sí tiene algunos “colegas”, donde hay “peregrinos de alquiler” que ofrecen sus servicios vía internet.

Sin embargo, este fenómeno es algo confidencial, ya que no es bien visto por la Iglesia católica.

En el caso de los musulmanes, el viaje a la Meca (Hadj), esta práctica milenaria es más habitual.

– Agente inmobiliario –

Cerca de 40.000 personas participarán en esta gran peregrinación a pie hasta el santuario, con el aliciente de la presencia del papa Francisco, según el movimiento Mensaje de Fátima, que les presta asistencia en ruta.

Con el desplazamiento de Francisco, “un papa carismático cercano a la gente”, las demandas de peregrinaje de alquiler “llegaron antes de lo habitual” para las fechas, contó Carlos Gil.

Gil calculó que cada año hace “dos o tres peregrinajes” y cada desplazamiento es dedicado a una sola persona.

El contacto se realiza a través de su sitio peregrino.org, y su clientela son portugueses.

Una vez que se cierra el trato, el cliente hace una transferencia bancaria y queda todo listo.

Al final del peregrinaje Gil recibe un certificado con una estampilla por cada etapa.

Carlos Gil cuenta con dos tarjetas de visita, una como “pagador de promesas” y otra de sus actividades como agente inmobiliario, acreditado con la licencia 1.179, este último es su trabajo desde que dejó la informática hace más de diez años.

“Mis colegas saben lo que hago y se ríen de eso. Un agente inmobiliario que quiere convertirse en santo”, cuenta muerto de risa.

Sus padres habían querido que fuera sacerdote, pero la precipitada salida de Angola, una excolonia portuguesa, durante el turbulento periodo de la independencia en 1975 frustraron el proyecto.

Pero no todos están de acuerdo con su actividad. Gil afirmó que recibe “críticas violentas” en las redes sociales.

“A veces la gente es muy agresiva, pero ellos no me conocen”, dijo.

Uno de ellos, Rodrigo Cerqueira, presidente de la Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Fátima es uno de los más taxativos.

“Los pagadores de promesas, son una vergüenza, se aprovechan de la gente. Vistos los precios, es una estafa”, sentenció.


Carlos Gil poses for a photo holding business cards listing his occupation as a “payer-off of promises” (R) and “real estate agent”(L) at his house backyard in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on April 7, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil leaves his house on the morning he and his sister started the walk to Fatima, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil starts his walk to Fatima with a backpack on his shoulders, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil starts his walk to Fatima with a backpack on his shoulders, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil (R) and his sister Maria Jose (L), 50 years old, walk on the morning they started their walk to Fatima, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil starts his walk to Fatima with a backpack on his shoulders, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil (R) and his sister Maria Jose (L), 50 years old, walk on the morning they started their walk to Fatima, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil walks through bushes on the morning he started his walk to Fatima, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil starts his walk to Fatima with a backpack on his shoulders, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
Carlos Gil poses for a photo on the morning he started his walk to Fatima, in Cascais, outskirts of Lisbon, on May 5, 2017.
Carlos Gil is a payer-off of promises, at least that is the way the Roman Catholic refers to himself. But he is more commonly known as a rent-a-pilgrim. This 52-year-old Portuguese national takes on pilgrimages by proxy (in the name of others), especially Catholics unable to fulfil the journey because of sickness or too busy or lazy to undertake the week-long spiritual walk to the central Portuguese town of Fatima. He can be hired for an average cost of 2,500 euros. / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY BRIGITTE HAGEMANN
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