Nace en China primer panda del mundo de una madre en cautividad y un padre en libertad

Nace en China primer panda del mundo de una madre en cautividad y un padre en libertad

This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows a keeper retrieving a panda cub from its mother Cao Cao in Wolong in China's southwestern Sichuan province. China has welcomed the world's first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT
This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows a keeper retrieving a panda cub from its mother Cao Cao in Wolong in China’s southwestern Sichuan province.
China has welcomed the world’s first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT


Un bebé panda gigante nació el lunes en China, después de la unión de una hembra en cautividad y de un macho en libertad, lo que es una primicia mundial, declaró la agencia de prensa oficial Xinhua.

El bebé panda, de color rosa claro y más grande que una mano, nació el lunes por la mañana en la provincia de Sichuan (centro oeste).

Es el primer panda gigante nacido del emparejamiento, en marzo, de una madre en cautividad -Cao Cao, de 15 años- y un padre en libertad.

El nacimiento de este panda es el resultado de los esfuerzos de los investigadores, que esperan mejorar la salud y la diversidad genética de los pandas cautivos apareándoles con sus homólogos que viven en la naturaleza, indicó Zhang Zhizhong, del Centro de Conservación y de Investigación de China para el panda gigante, citado por la agencia Xinhua.

Con solo 471 pandas en cautividad en el mundo a finales de 2016, la especie corre peligro de consanguinidad, indicó Xinhua.

Cao Cao, en cautividad desde sus dos años, fue puesta en libertad en marzo por un periodo de dos meses, con dispositivos alrededor de su cuello de geolocalización y de registro. Este material permitió saber que después de haber estado en celo el 11 de marzo, Cao Cao se apareó con un macho salvaje el 23 de marzo durante un minuto y 30 segundos.

El bebé panda pesó 216 gramos, sobrepasando el peso habitual que suele ser de 150 gramos para esta especie, gracias al buen apetito de su madre Cao Cao durante el embarazo.

Los pandas gigantes tienen la reputación de ser torpes durante el apareamiento: se considera que a los machos les cuesta discernir cuando la hembra está en el estado de ánimo adecuado y a menudo no saben qué hacer a continuación.

En el caso en el que se sientan compatibles, el acto sexual suele ser muy rápido para que la hembra sea fecundada. Además, esta última solo es receptiva dos o tres días al año a las insinuaciones masculinas, entre febrero y mayo.

Se cree que menos de 2.000 pandas gigantes viven aún en libertad, en tres provincias del centro sur de China.

En Francia, Huan Huan, una panda hembra prestada por China al zoo de Beauval (centro) espera bebes gemelos, reveló el martes una última ecografía antes del parto, previsto para el viernes o el sábado, anunció la dirección del zoo. El nacimiento de estos bebes pandas gigantes será una primicia en Francia. AFP

This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows keepers carrying a panda cub after retrieving it from its mother Cao Cao in Wolong in China's southwestern Sichuan province. China has welcomed the world's first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT
This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows keepers carrying a panda cub after retrieving it from its mother Cao Cao in Wolong in China’s southwestern Sichuan province.
China has welcomed the world’s first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT


This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows a panda cub born to a mixed pair of wild and captive parents in Wolong in China's southwestern Sichuan province. China has welcomed the world's first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT
This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows a panda cub born to a mixed pair of wild and captive parents in Wolong in China’s southwestern Sichuan province.
China has welcomed the world’s first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT


This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows panda Cao Cao taking care of its newborn panda cub in Wolong in China's southwestern Sichuan province. China has welcomed the world's first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT
This photo taken on July 31, 2017 shows panda Cao Cao taking care of its newborn panda cub in Wolong in China’s southwestern Sichuan province.
China has welcomed the world’s first giant panda cub to be born to a mixed pair of captive and wild parents, the official Xinhua news agency said. Palm-sized and pink, covered in a downy layer of white fuzz from its tiny claws to its strangely long tail, the baby was born early morning on July 31 to 15-year-old mom Cao Cao at the Hetaoping semi-wild training base in the southwestern province of Sichuan. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT