Tuiteros reciben con suspicacia nueva medida de casa por cárcel a Leopoldo López

Tuiteros reciben con suspicacia nueva medida de casa por cárcel a Leopoldo López

A woman leaves the house of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez in Caracas on August 1, 2017 just hours after he was taken away from his home by the intelligence service. The Venezuelan intelligence service arrested opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma overnight Monday, relatives said, a day after a vote to choose a much-condemned assembly that supersedes parliament. Lopez and Ledezma were both already under house arrest when they were picked up by the intelligence service known by its in acronym Sebin, the wife of Lopez and children of Ledezma said separately. / AFP PHOTO / Ronaldo SCHEMIDT

A journalist stands outside the house of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez in Caracas on August 1, 2017 just hours after he was taken away from his home by the intelligence service. The Venezuelan intelligence service arrested opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Antonio Ledezma overnight Monday, relatives said, a day after a vote to choose a much-condemned assembly that supersedes parliament. Lopez and Ledezma were both already under house arrest when they were picked up by the intelligence service known by its in acronym Sebin, the wife of Lopez and children of Ledezma said separately. / AFP PHOTO / Ronaldo SCHEMIDT


Tras el traslado de Leopoldo López en la noche de este sábado a prisión domiciliaria, tras haber permanecido encarcelado cuatro días en Ramo Verde, usuarios de Twitter comentaron con suspicacia la medida. Pra algunos se trata de lo que llaman un trapo rojo para tapar las decisiones de la constituyente cubana, como la “destitución” de la fiscal Luisa Ortega.

López y el alcalde Antonio Ledezma, fueron sacados de sus hogares el martes 1 de agosto, ya que según las autoridades tenían un plan de fuga. Ledezma fue devuelto a su casa ayer en la madrugada, mientras que López, durmió otra noche en la cárcel.


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