Presidenta de Parlamento catalán irá a prisión hasta que pague fianza de 150.000 euros

Presidenta de Parlamento catalán irá a prisión hasta que pague fianza de 150.000 euros

Catalan regional parliament speaker Carme Forcadell leaves the Supreme Court in Madrid on November 2, 2017 after appearing before a judge over her efforts to spearhead Catalonia's independence drive. Spain's Supreme Court said it had adjourned until November 9 the hearings of former members of Catalonia's dissolved parliament including speaker Carme Forcadell at the request of their lawyers. Accused by prosecutors of sedition and rebellion over the region's independence drive, which carry sentences of up to 15 and 30 years in jail respectively, the six had been summoned to court for questioning by a judge. / AFP PHOTO / JAVIER SORIANO
Catalan regional parliament speaker Carme Forcadell leaves the Supreme Court in Madrid on November 2, 2017 after appearing before a judge over her efforts to spearhead Catalonia’s independence drive.
Spain’s Supreme Court said it had adjourned until November 9 the hearings of former members of Catalonia’s dissolved parliament including speaker Carme Forcadell at the request of their lawyers. Accused by prosecutors of sedition and rebellion over the region’s independence drive, which carry sentences of up to 15 and 30 years in jail respectively, the six had been summoned to court for questioning by a judge. / AFP PHOTO / JAVIER SORIANO



La presidenta del Parlamento catalán, Carme Forcadell, irá a la cárcel hasta que abone una fianza de 150.000 euros, dictó este jueves el juez que la investiga por sedición y rebelión.


De los otros cinco diputados regionales sospechosos de los mismos delitos, cuatro quedaron en libertad bajo fianza de 25.000 euros, aunque tienen una semana para depositarlos -a diferencia de Forcadell, que debe abonarlos ya-, mientras que el quinto quedó en libertad sin medidas cautelares.