¡Triple WTF! Mujer transgénero modificó su cuerpo para parecer un dragón (FOTOS)

¡Triple WTF! Mujer transgénero modificó su cuerpo para parecer un dragón (FOTOS)

Instagram: @tiamatdragonlady.
Instagram: @tiamatdragonlady.


Su nombre es Eva Tiamat Medusa, una estadounidense que antes de identificarse como mujer era conocida como Richard Hernández. Durante su época viviendo como hombre contrajo VIH y a partir de ahí decidió convertirse en un dragón… o acercarse lo más que puede.

El portal Metro.com refiere que ella no quería “morir con un aspecto humano” y fue eso lo que le llevó a someterse a distintas modificaciones corporales. Todo empezó luego de renunciar a su trabajo como vicepresidenta de un banco.

Reveló a ese medio que pensó en cambiar su apariencia después de ser abandonada de niña por sus padres biológicos y ‘renacer’ transformada en serpiente cascabel cuando pasó a estar bajo el cuidado de una pareja.

Se hizo una serie de tatuajes y siguió con una cirugía de nariz. A principios de abril de 2016 se cortó las orejas y luego tatuó de verde la parte blanca de sus ojos.

Además se puso 8 cuernos en la frente, se quitó la mayoría de sus dientes y bifurcó su lengua.

Con información de Pulzo


The end of June will be here before I know it so I am already getting the wheels turning and making plans to go west and move to California after my lease is up here this summer. There is a certain special man in California whom I’ve been talking to since late 2014. We were going to finally meet in person when I was in Los Angeles last time October but something came up and we weren’t able to, so I’m really looking forward to getting to meet him in person and see where things go with us. Because I decided to leave Texas, I did not pursue anything with Jose here in Houston because I don’t want to start something and then leave and I don’t want to have a long distance relationship with anyone. I just decided it was best for me not to start anything with Jose, but we will be friends. Get ready California, here comes the Serpent Dragon, flicking its tongue and shaking its rattle.

Una publicación compartida de Tiamat Dragon Lady (@tiamatdragonlady) el

On Martin Luther King’s birthday I share Dr. King’s Vision. I share dr. King’s Vision of Love and acceptance in the world towards modified people. I shared dr. King’s vision that one day modified people will not be discriminated against in mainstream America especially in the workplace. I have a vision of a world where modified people are treated as equally and seen as normal as the boy or the girl next door, looking a little weird compared to the rest of the neighborhood, but equally accepted no less. I have a vision of a world where modified people will not be judged by their looks and told they are spawns of the devil and told that their modifications will keep them from getting into heaven. I have a vision of a world where modified people, whether it be with something as simple as a piercing or as extreme as removing one’s ears, will be seen and appreciated as unique creative expressive, beautiful, loving individuals. I have a vision of a world where modified people will be loved because of their modifications not in spite of them. ~Tiamat https://youtu.be/1UV1fs8lAbg

Una publicación compartida de Tiamat Dragon Lady (@tiamatdragonlady) el