Suspenden entrega de cuerpos de periodistas ecuatorianos a Cruz Roja

Suspenden entrega de cuerpos de periodistas ecuatorianos a Cruz Roja

Colombian journalists gather in front of the Ecuadorean embassy in Bogota to protest against the murder of Ecuadorean journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paul Rivas and their driver Efrain Segarra, on April 16 2018. The three members of an Ecuadoran journalist team who were kidnapped and killed in captivity after being abducted by a Colombian rebel group were following a story on violence that ended up costing their lives.  / AFP PHOTO / Luis ACOSTA
Colombian journalists gather in front of the Ecuadorean embassy in Bogota to protest against the murder of Ecuadorean journalist Javier Ortega, photographer Paul Rivas and their driver Efrain Segarra, on April 16 2018.
The three members of an Ecuadoran journalist team who were kidnapped and killed in captivity after being abducted by a Colombian rebel group were following a story on violence that ended up costing their lives.

Guerrilleros disidentes de las FARC decidieron suspender la entrega de los tres cuerpos del equipo de prensa que habían secuestrado el 26 de marzo, según un mensaje que hicieron llegar este lunes al Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR). AFP

“El CICR ha tomado nota de la posición del Frente Oliver Sinisterra manifestada en un comunicado hecho público hoy lunes, pero permanece atento a una posible evolución de la situación”, indicó el organismo internacional en un comunicado.

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