Convened this October 1st by the National Assembly (NA), the President (e) of Venezuela and the Parliament, Juan Guaidó, asked all Venezuelans to focus all efforts around the Citizen Consultation, inside and outside the country.
By CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional
Oct 1, 2020
“Today I ask you to focus in this great social and political effort. We have come to consult you, this is the moment to express ourselves in force. Once the dictatorial fraud is defeated, we take to the streets to achieve the freedom of Venezuela”.
In the ordinary session of the NA held this Thursday, and to conclude the debate on the “Draft Agreement to summon, based on the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a consultation that allows to obtain an unequivocal manifestation of popular will in matters of national interest”, Guaidó indicated that said Consultation is not an end in itself, but a mechanism for popular expression and the exercise of the majority.
Likewise, he explained that such mechanism seeks to protect the citizens, to put an end to the dictatorship and to have free, fair and verifiable parliamentary and presidential elections.
“We need to exert pressure in all corners of Venezuela, but in an organized manner. Let the repressive apparatus of the dictatorship find us organized. From this Parliament, we invite you to exercise the powerful majority.W e cannot hesitate in our determination to be free”.
The President of the legitimate government clarified that the proposal of the Citizen Consultation is not from Juan Guaidó, but from the National Assembly and from all the sectors of the civil society that participated in the construction of the Unitary Pact. Similarly, he indicated that “it is not a whim,” but rather a tool to confront the regime.
To those who have not accompanied the process, he reiterated that “the doors are open” so that they may join the struggle that is ultimately for the freedom of Venezuela.
“If the dictatorship thought that they were going to divide us or that we were going to remain with our arms crossed, it was wrong. The soul of Venezuela is not for sale, it is in reconstruction. The Venezuelan people must continue to be the protagonist of change”.
October 5th is the date
The President (e) of Venezuela, ratified once again the call to accompany the teachers in the protest they called for next Monday, October 5th.
“We will be with you in the streets on October 5th, supporting and accompanying you in your legitimate right to protest, teachers; that is, preserving all security measures against the virus. Today, the Parliament in plenary calls Venezuela to exercise the right to protest for the future of the country”.
Guaidó also sent a recognition to those who have gone out to demonstrate in different cities and towns of the country in the last weeks; he said that he “felt represented” by the people of Yaracuy, for example.
He assured that Venezuelans “will continue to resist” until the transition is achieved.
“Surviving in Venezuela is a full time job. The best thing the dictator can do is what the mayor did in Yaracuy: take his ‘cachachá’ (stuff) and go.
Finally, he denounced that the victims and relatives that gave their testimonies to the UN Mission for the creation of the Report that links Nicolás Maduro and his regime with crimes against humanity are being threatened by the dictatorship. Among the cases he cited are: Captain Luis Humberto de la Sotta, General Héctor Hernández, and Captain Oswaldo García.
Read More: CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Guaidó: We defeated the dictator’s fraud for December 6th, now we are going to unify to exercise the majority in the Consultation