The Embassy of Japan in Peru and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have signed an Exchange of Notes for the implementation of the project “Humanitarian Assistance and Durable Solutions for Venezuelan Migrants, Refugees, and Host Communities” in Peru.
By andina.pe
The signing took place in the presence of Peru’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Manuel Talavera.
Through this agreement, both the Japanese Embassy in Peru and IOM will provide a grant aid worth 301 million yen (approximately US$2.85 million).
During the signing ceremony, Talavera noted that the productive integration of Venezuelan nationals is a priority for the Peruvian Government.
According to the government official, besides contributing to the economic development of the country, Venezuelan refugees and migrants will strengthen Peru’s capacities to meet its needs in health, education, and housing.
The above-mentioned project is expected to benefit Tumbes, Tacna, and Lima regions.
Moreover, it is designed to provide coordinated humanitarian assistance, improve social infrastructure at local level, integrate the Venezuelan population —by generating productive income— and benefit host communities as well, within the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vicecanciller estuvo presente en la firma del canje de notas entre la Embajada de Japón en el Perú y la @OIM_Peru para la implementación del Proyecto de Asistencia Humanitaria y Soluciones Duraderas para Migrantes, Refugiados y Comunidades de Acogida Venezolanas. pic.twitter.com/eLBVloZ2aF
— Cancillería Perú?? (@CancilleriaPeru) December 21, 2020