The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Maracaibo Mayor’s office agreed to reactivate the migrant service point that operates in the land bus terminal of the capital of Zulia State. During the first week of operation they provided assistance to some 400 people.
By La Patilla
Feb 2, 2023
The purpose of this module is to provide medical, psychological and protection assistance to the migrant who returns to Venezuelan lands.
Users will receive talks on human trafficking, nutrition and hydration, hygiene kits for travelers, planning digitalization of documents.
Rodmar Urdaneta, Director of the Maracaibo Terminal, explained that the objective of this space is to guarantee greater attention to people mobilize throughout the country’s territory.
“We have considered providing a more human service to all users of our terminal, and thanks to these alliances we have achieved it. We are focusing mainly on people in vulnerable conditions who have suffered some type of violence, with the support of national and international organizations,” he said.
The initiative is in charge of the Mayor’s Office of Maracaibo, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Venezuelan Red Cross section of Zulia State and Cáritas Venezuela. It will work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Read More: La Patilla – International Organization for Migration and the Maracaibo mayor’s office reactivate migrant service point