Whole semesters without a single teacher available, students not registered in the Study Control system and a prohibition on university students from using operational laboratories, are part of the complaints presented by student leaders of the Manuela Sáenz Northern Territorial Polytechnic University of Táchira, where Despite repeated demands, more than 350 students are being affected and there has been no response from the authorities.
By Luz Dary Depablos / Correspondent lapatilla.com
Alejandro Gil, representative of the ‘Movimiento Frente Universitario en Lucha de la Voz de los Estudiantes (Fulve-23, University Front Movement in Fight of the Voice of the Students), denounced in a statement the lack of teachers in different subjects of the National Training Programs (PNF) in the areas of Veterinary Medicine, IT and Agro-Food.
He calls for the PNF to be reorganized, as this university has a sizable student population, but very few academic staff.
In the ninth semester, there is a total absence of teachers in subjects such as Histology.
Likewise, María José Escalante, President of the Student Center of this college, and representative of the Movimiento Universitario Fuerza Estudiantil – 10 (Student Force University Movement – 10), issued a statement in which she demands a solution to the problems that the students of this university have been facing for three years now.
This statement enunciates “the rejection, indignation and concern” on the part of the student representatives, caused by the “inefficiency in the Department of Admission, Monitoring and Control of Studies”, since apparently students from the municipalities of Panamericano, Andrés Bello, Córdoba and Bolívar, are not yet registered in the system.
They also report that the Computer Science and Civil Construction laboratories are operational, but closed for student use.
Therefore, they demand that the Minister of Higher Education, Sandra Oblitas, and other authorities investigate and evaluate what is happening at this university, which has a farm and nevertheless it is not used to do field work, which is of great importance for the training of future professionals.
It was known that some students have taken more than a year and a half to complete a single course, despite the fact that professionals are required in the agriculture areas, in order to modernize the fields, and study and care for the diversity of the ecosystem.
The students hope that the authorities will investigate whether the absence of teachers could be related to alleged acts of corruption with the management of the resources assigned to this university.