Margarita university students craft strategies to overcome Venezuela’s CNE obstacles

Margarita university students craft strategies to overcome Venezuela’s CNE obstacles

Margarita university students craft strategies to overcome Venezuela’s CNE obstacles


The student movements of the Universidad de Oriente (UDO, Eastern University), of the Nueva Esparta campus, and the University of Margarita, have not been intimidated by the obstacles imposed by the regional authorities of the National Electoral Council.

Dexcy Guédez//Corresponsalía

Héctor Aranaga, operational coordinator of ‘Viva la UDO-NE’, together with leaders of the different student movements of the Universidad de Oriente, this Wednesday, April 10, mobilized almost 200 students from that school to the CNE headquarters in La Asunción, to get registered in the Permanent Electoral Registry.

“We are overcoming the barriers so that students may enroll and we can be the protagonists of all the changes that the country needs,” he insisted.

Thamar Rodríguez, also a student leader at that university, assured that before the opening of the Permanent Electoral Registry for the presidential elections, more than 80% of the almost 3,000 students of the Nueva Esparta nucleus of the UDO were skeptical about registering.

“However, with the strategies we are using to encourage them we have managed to get about 50% registered and we are going to continue mobilizing them to the CNE until April 16th when the REP closes,” he stated.

Gabriela Ordaz, a student at that higher education institution, urged her classmates to get motivated and enroll in the REP, despite the obstacles imposed by the CNE.

“We knew that we would not have it easy, but we have managed to motivate many students, both from UDO and UniMar, to participate in the presidential elections. We are not the future, we are the present of our country and we are going to defend it,” she pointed out.