Delsa Solórzano: July 28th will be the day of freedom in Venezuela

Delsa Solórzano: July 28th will be the day of freedom in Venezuela

Delsa Solorzano. (Photo by Federico PARRA/AFP)


The President of the Venezuelan opposition political party ‘Encuentro Ciudadano’ and former National Assembly deputy, Delsa Solórzano, has been present in the decision-making of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD). So much so that the consensus for the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia was made in the offices of the political organization that she directs, so her position is clear about what could happen on July 28th in the coming presidential elections.

Walter Obregón / Correspondent

“Today the ruling party is a minority, and it is a minority in the country because they have made a management disaster beyond all democratic values and principles that they have failed to comply with, and in Venezuela we now live under a dictatorship. The reality is that they have made a terrible government and the situation is indescribable,” she said.

The next presidential elections are scheduled for July 28th, the date on which Chávez would be turning 70 this year. Could this propel Chavismo to a victory?

-The crisis and the enormous number of errors have led the ruling party to be a resounding minority and whether July 28th is a date on which Chávez’s birthday is or is not, that is not something that is going to change the will of the nation. If we take it to the most practical and objective point of view, that does not change the economic situation of Venezuelans either, which is evidently one of the reasons why change and freedom are being demanded.


Opposition leader María Corina Machado (left) with presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia (center) and former deputy Delsa Solórzano (r) this Thursday in Caracas (Venezuela). The presidential candidate of the main opposition coalition in Venezuela – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) -, Edmundo González Urrutia, assured this Thursday that, if he wins the elections on July 28th, his commitment is to achieve reconciliation between the Venezuelans. EFE/ Miguel Gutierrez


With 72 days until the presidential elections, what are the expectations for July 28th?

-Clearly our expectations are to win, and to that end we are working in unity in each of the political parties and in the Campaign Command With Venezuela so that July 28th is finally the day of freedom.

Do you think there are still doubts among people about whether Chavismo can be defeated? Is Chavismo defeatable?

-If we did not believe that Chavismo was defeatable, we would not be in this, because facing a regime like this, where the only ways and mechanisms we have available are democratic and constitutional, is not easy at all.

Could Chavismo’s disinformation campaign about Edmundo González have an effect on voters?

-The regime’s disinformation campaign is against everything that has to do with democratic forces and it is not only disinformation, but lies, slander, generating opinion matrices and fake news, so that people get confused. If we add to that the siege that exists on the open media, well, we are basically at the mercy of what the regime wants to say.

That is why it is so important that we are responsible with the information we disseminate and with what we believe in the first place. That is why we invite you to follow the social media accounts of the political leadership, of the truly recognized social media, to avoid falling into this misinformation.


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There is a thesis that if Maduro loses he will not hand over power, is that possible?

-We aspire to win the elections, protect the vote and enforce the will of a nation that wants change.

What is best for Chavismo in this process towards July 28th: negotiate or resist?

-The important thing is that it is in the interest of the country and it is to win the election, and that then we can establish the mechanisms for a transition now, which will allow us to return democracy, peace and freedom to Venezuela.

At this moment, what is your message to Venezuelan voters?

-Let us trust in what represents the strength of a nation that decided to change, that also decides to take the reins of this process that we are undergoing together, where there are no economic resources, where the presence and work of volunteers is essential.

We in the party have generated Citizen Volunteering to give space and participation to all those people who want to contribute to the electoral process, either as table witnesses, logistics, mobilization, so that it is a process of which we can say that we recover democracy, that we defeated the dictatorship and that we citizens did it.