Some 24 students from the Los Próceres school, in Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar State, are warming up to participate in the final of the Mathematics Olympiads in Indonesia, which will be held in Bali next August.
By Pableysa Ostos / Correspondent lapatilla.com
Yumelis Ruiz de Guevara, director of the ‘Los Próceres’ school, pointed out that during the 2023-2024 school year they have made an effort to stimulate the development of their students in scientific matters. Among the other achievements they obtained was their participation in the Robotics Olympics, in Cumaná, Sucre State. There they achieved first place regionally and qualified for the national competition.
“It fills us with pride and great satisfaction to have had these academic achievements that are so important for our community, institution and our students,” stated the director of the institution, while Franco Espinoza, a professor at the school, expressed that “the school has had a vision that It is characterized by developing, encouraging, instructing and organizing, not only students, but also their parents.”
The students who will go to Indonesia are Ana Fernández, Franco Abate, Fabrizzio Abate, Isabella Salazar, Gianfranco Pérez, Ibrahim Rahwan, José García, Mariela El Saheli, María Mauco, Angelina Banna, Andrés León, Patricia Serrao, Esther Jhon, Naomi Ríos, Lucía Varela, Sofía Varela, Miguel Núñez, Silvia Martínez, Erasmo Lagos, Sebastián Lazarde, Ariy Buassaf, Paulo Troncone, Andrés García and Natalia Carmona.
They qualified to participate at the International Mathematics Olympiads in Indonesia last May 19th, where 35 students of all levels participated, of which 24 qualified for the final that will be held in August in Bali.