María Corina Machado left Puerto Ordaz after 9:00 in the morning, bound for El Callao, without knowing what she was going to find. She had already been warned that it would not be easy and that it could even be dangerous, but she still decided to visit the south of Bolívar State, an area of mining towns, some of which are administered by the Venezuelan Mining Corporation (CVM) and others by irregular armed groups that operate there.
By Pableysa Ostos/Correspondent
She took Guayana Avenue to be received by a crowd at the Dalla Costa roundabout in San Félix. From that point on, she traveled through several main avenues passing through the ‘Cruce de La 45’, El Roble, the Sutiss roundabout and across ‘El Cerro del Gallo’. At all these points and communities, many people greeted her, shouted messages of encouragement, rushed at her and even took photos with the opposition leader, who has been touring the country for months.
She passed by Manuel Piar Avenue, specifically in front of the Chirica Market, where residents of the Chirica Parish, Vista Al Sol, and other neighborhoods, were waiting for her. These are areas where Chavismo-Madurismo has won the elections in recent years. On this route, a woman approached the vehicle in which María Corina was riding on a motorcycle and gave her a package of ‘catalinas’ (traditional soft cookies), which are very typical of the Bolívar State.

Bikers showed up to escort and to protect her and during the journey more and more joined in. On that tour, she heard the story of a grandfather, who has seven children and grandchildren living outside the country, tearfully confessed to having a pacemaker, yet he still wanted to approach her to tell her that he supported her and that she was going to win. “Maduro should take his suitcase and leave, but leave us alone. Thank you, María Corina,” said Mr. Félix Hurtado between sobs.

She crossed the Palo Grande toll (direction San Félix-Upata) without problems, and thus started the last leg of the journey of what would be the closing of her tour through BolívarStat
. At this point, the party’s youth team bus was detained, since that “was not the unit’s usual route,” was the military’s allegation.
After this there was a hamlet that was María Corina’s next planned stop. The people had organized to receive her. In some towns there were even white and blue balloons on the facades of houses or businesses.
In Upata, the stop was quick, but there were still greetings and accompaniment, since on the afternoon of June 6th, the closing event of the tour would be there.
In all the checkpoints she passed through María Corina Machado greeted the officers. Some responded, others simply turned away.
Arrival at Guasipati

In the atmosphere you could feel the excitement and joy of the people. There were tears, but also smiles. Some even gave their children for María Corina Machado to carry.
Guasipati has been a Chavista-Madurista municipality, but the reception given to Corina Machado today shows another reality. “We wanted to be free from this Government. Glory to God. I have supported her since she launched as a candidate. For my country, for the freedom of all Venezuelans who are in such need and for all the people who have left,” declared a 66-year-old woman, resident of Guasipati.
It was not planned for her to hold a rally in the Roscio municipality, but she had to improvise in front of the church with a microphone from the sound truck in order to continue towards El Callao.
“We have to end so many injustices and do the right things from the beginning. If we support a person like María Corina, we have the opportunity and the chance to reverse everything bad that has happened in Venezuela. There has been a bit of apathy in terms of trust towards the National Electoral Council (CNE), but something is happening in Venezuela, people are taking off their masks, the people lost their fear and will go out to vote,” said Agustín. Acosta, also a resident of Guasipati.
Calypso to celebrate

‘El Callao’ was a party, Mayor Coromoto Lugo went to the ‘Casa Blanca’ checkpoint to escort Mrs.Machado. The number of people who came out to accompany her was impressive. “The whole town is here. No one stayed home,” commented a resident of the mining town.
A calypso group also accompanied the caravan. They received the leader of Vente Venezuela to the rhythm of “here comes the tsunami, here comes the tsunami;” “Hold on tight, the María Corina tsunami is coming,” the people chanted. Even though the ruling party held an event in the morning, and the opposition was forced to change its meeting place, the people of El Callao supported Corina Machado and Edmundo González.
Photo 6
María Corina Machado arrived in a region dominated by irregular armed groups and Chavista mafias
“Say hello to María Corina, daughter, tell her that we want a change,” declared a woman with her daughter to the reporting team. “I came out to support her because I want a change for El Callao, for everybody, for my children,” she stated.
But in El Callao there were not only inhabitants of that town. There were also people from Tumeremo, El Dorado, KM 88, which are the other mining areas of Bolívar State.
A cry for freedom

When she retraced the route on the way back, in the hamlets many waited for María Corina. The bikers guided her way to Upata, where an immense crowd with no end in sight was waiting for her. Chavismo had also had an event there. They closed three main roads that made access to the María Corina’s event meeting point difficult, and the caravan was diverted to an alternate route. And the people who had already gathered made way to let her reach the stage.
To chasnts of “and it is going to fall, and it is going to fall, this government is going to fall” were plenty, as well as the cry of “freedom.” Night fell and María Corina Machado headed to the town of Upata. Cell phone lights illuminated her as she spoke.

“We have ahead of us the most important days of our lives and in the history of Venezuela. I have confidence in each one of you, I trust you,” said María Corina from Upata.
She added that “with only 52 days left, together we are defeating (the government). We have united Venezuela. “We have united the strength and desire of those who want to live with dignity.”
During her tour of the Bolívar State, she visited Ciudad Bolívar, Ciudad Guayana, Upata, Guasipati and El Callao. This Friday, June 7th, she will continue with rallies in Delta Amacuro State.
Below images of their journey