Despite the multiple difficulties that businessmen in the Andean region of Venezuela must face, the private sector continues to promote initiatives that allow steps to be taken towards better binational relations and exchanges, with a view to repower the tourism sector and the recovery of the agro-industry.
This is stated in a report presented to the authorities of Fedecámaras, Venezuela’s Federation of Chambers of Commerce, by the representatives of this institution in the states of Mérida, Trujillo and Táchira, in which the achieved objectives to date are disclosed, while pointing out those factors that limit the growth of business activity in the Venezuelan Andes region.
Among the advances reported throughout the region are the formation and establishment of new sectorial chambers, such as the Healthcare Chamber and the Financial Chamber in the state of Táchira, as well as the participation of the business community in the discussions for the evaluation and approval of the Tax Harmonization Law that concerns this area of the country and the celebration of the Binational Council of Border Tourism, with the participation of institutions linked to the matter in Táchira (Venezuela) and Cúcuta (Colombia).
The document highlights that the economic and productive “lung” of the Andean states requires much more oxygen to address deficiencies in public services, such as the deterioration of roads.
The reactivation of the construction sector is also required – which is paralyzed – and access to financing.
To this extensive list is added the search for alternative public policies that influence the reduction of talent migration rates, as well as evaluating formulas to reduce excessive tax pressure on companies.
For the private sector in this area of the country, the creation of a Binational Business Unit is also urgent, which will allow the generation of mechanisms that help, promote or propose an assertive economic growth in these states and in which the participation of border regions in Colombia is achieved.
In addition to this proposal, there is also the need to adapt a greater number of spaces – with ample capacity – in which forums, which should become active in the border areas where conventions and meetings with sectors of commercial and economic interest can be held.
Another aspect that causes interest among the representatives of Fedecámaras in Mérida, Táchira and Trujillo is linked to the promotion of the agroindustry, with the purpose of stopping the deterioration reported by the agricultural sector and in turn, the formulation of comprehensive proposals for universities to recover academic levels and counteract desertion.
Press release