From the moment the clock struck 12:00 midnight to start Sunday, February 2nd, in Barinas State the first hour of the regional blackout had already gone by. This first blackout would end at 3:00 in the morning, in a supposed “rationing plan” (rolling blackouts) that no one knows about.
By: Corresponsalía lapatilla.com
Then, from 3:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the morning the following blackout and, so on and on rolling in “blocks” lasting a minimum of four hours. That’s how Corpoelec (National government-run electricity monopoly) was affecting the different communities of Barinas State.
“And Chavismo itself called for a (regional) referendum on this day, but these blackouts are the biggest demotivation, even for those who believe in them,” said a resident of the La Cinqueña II neighborhood, where electricity has been out since midday.
“If the government really wants to invest in projects that benefit the people, it should start with the electrical system, without wasting money on referendums, but since it is all a lie, that will not happen,” she added.