Los príncipes Jacques y Gabriella, protagonistas del Día Nacional de Mónaco

Los príncipes Jacques y Gabriella, protagonistas del Día Nacional de Mónaco

Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

Los pequeños de los Grimaldi han sido los otros grandes protagonistas del Día Nacional de Mónaco, que se ha celebrado este domingo, 19 de noviembre. Los mellizos del príncipe Alberto y Charlene, el pequeño Raphaël Elmaleh, el niño que Carlota Casiraghi tuvo con Gad Elmaleh y sus primos Sasha e India, los pequeños de Andrea y Tatiana Santo Domingo hicieron las delicias de todos en la balcón del Palacio Principesco. Tan solo se echó en falta a Stefano, el banjamín de la familia que hace diez meses vino a completar la felicidad de sus papás: Pierre y Beatrice Borromeo.

Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Caroline of Hanover's daughter, holds her son Raphael during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day in Monaco, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Caroline of Hanover’s daughter, holds her son Raphael during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day in Monaco, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Caroline of Hanover's daughter, holds her son Raphael during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day in Monaco, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Charlotte Casiraghi, Princess Caroline of Hanover’s daughter, holds her son Raphael during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day in Monaco, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

Los niños, que no acudieron a la misa y a los actos más protocolarios parece que sí que disfrutaron de la parada militar frente a la plaza de Palacio junto a sus padres que no les quitaron ojo de encima, aunque como niños que son nos conquistaron con su espontaneidad, su simpatía y sus gestos.

Los príncipes Jacques y Gabriella, hijos de Alberto de Mónaco, que en diciembre cumplirán tres añitos se mostraron de lo más adorables. Primero, con su madre, que no les quitó ojo y se deshizo con ellos en carantoñas y, después, con su padre, que se incorporó a la balconada para estar con su familia. El príncipe Jacques se mostró algo más movido que su hermana y esta aparición pública nos ha servido para ver lo grandes que están y conquistar a los presentes con su espontaneidad y sus gestos.


Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Princess Charlene and her twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco's National Day, November 19, 2017.      REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene hold their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella as they stand at the Palace Balcony during the celebrations marking Monaco’s National Day, November 19, 2017. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard